Neuropsychological Insights on Online Communication

Neuropsychological Insights on Online Communication

Neuropsychological Insights on Online Communication

A study of effective attention to and engagement with (online) advertising and communication
attention engagement online communication
The Challenge

Online communication is essential for creating awareness and impact on behavior, especially due to its flexibility and targeted reach. However, a major drawback is that engagement on social media is often superficial and fragmented, diminishing awareness and behavioral change. In a digital environment where people scroll mindlessly, making a lasting impression can be challenging. For advertisements to effectively impact and drive sustainable behavior change, it is essential that they capture and retain the audience’s attention long enough for the message to be absorbed and acted upon.

Open Now is an advertising agency that strives to make an impact with creative campaigns grounded in behavioral science. The success of these campaigns depends—among other things—on the level of attention they receive. And even when people pay attention, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the message is received correctly, that people believe the message, or that it meaningfully impacts their future behavior. Thus, alongside measuring attention, it is also critical to assess the level and type of engagement with advertisements, such as the emotions they evoke and the extent to which people reflect on an ad later.

The Work

For this matter, I conducted a literature study focusing on how insights from cognitive psychology can help optimize online communication in terms of attention and engagement. The study describes the workings of information processing from both cognitive and affective perspectives, and how the relevance of these processes varies depending on the communication objective.

Additionally, the report covers differences in online communication for different target groups and media channels, and it concludes with recommendations for optimizing online communication to achieve more impact.

The Work

For this matter, I conducted a literature study focusing on how insights from cognitive psychology can help optimize online communication in terms of attention and engagement. The study describes the workings of information processing from both cognitive and affective perspectives, and how the relevance of these processes varies depending on the communication objective.

Additionally, the report covers differences in online communication for different target groups and media channels, and it concludes with recommendations for optimizing online communication to achieve more impact.

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