Digital Solutions to Improve Recycling Behavior

Digital Solutions to Improve Recycling Behavior

Digital Solutions to Improve Recycling Behavior

Strategic advice on the development of digital products to make recycling easier
The Challenge

An NGO in the recycling space was seeking to leverage their capabilities to build a tool which can help minimize uncertainty when recycling. Many proposals had been thrown around, and some developed. But a question remained: which tool would be most effective in changing behavior? And once a tool has been chosen, how can it be implemented in a way that promotes the type of behavior change that the NGO is looking for?

The Work

Through Nuance Behavior, we created a framework to help leaders better understand what a solution must be able to do in order to be successful. Having clarified those constraints and goals, we conducted a series of interviews to better understand which solution could best meet our standards for success. Additionally, using our framework, we were able to design a behavioral journey, onboarding process, as well as various mock-ups to help their team to better understand and conceptualize how to execute on the product in a way that can lead to lasting change.

The Work

Through Nuance Behavior, we created a framework to help leaders better understand what a solution must be able to do in order to be successful. Having clarified those constraints and goals, we conducted a series of interviews to better understand which solution could best meet our standards for success. Additionally, using our framework, we were able to design a behavioral journey, onboarding process, as well as various mock-ups to help their team to better understand and conceptualize how to execute on the product in a way that can lead to lasting change.

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