Closing the Gender Gap: Women and Investing

Closing the Gender Gap: Women and Investing

Closing the Gender Gap: Women and Investing

Informing a campaign to tackle gender inequalities in investing
gender gap investing
The Challenge

Successful investment portfolios often reflect a diverse range of decision-makers—yet, a gap exists in gender representation within investing. To address this issue, we were tasked with informing a campaign focused on empowering women in the financial markets. To address gender inequalities in investing, we first needed to better understand the causes of those inequalities, including potential obstacles women face in investment decision-making.

This was a project in collaboration with Behaviour & Beyond.

The Work

Through in-depth behavioral research, we gained valuable insights into women’s challenges and strengths in investment decision-making. To help women navigate these challenges and enhance their strengths, we guided the creation of a campaign that promotes financial literacy and empowers women. The main objective of this campaign was to increase women's participation in financial markets by providing opportunities for growth and support.

Additionally, we helped set up experimental conditions to test various versions of the campaign’s communication materials. This involved fine-tuning the messaging and visual elements to resonate with the target audience. By testing and refining, we made sure that the campaign’s communications would have the greatest impact, delivering the right message to the right audience.

The Work

Through in-depth behavioral research, we gained valuable insights into women’s challenges and strengths in investment decision-making. To help women navigate these challenges and enhance their strengths, we guided the creation of a campaign that promotes financial literacy and empowers women. The main objective of this campaign was to increase women's participation in financial markets by providing opportunities for growth and support.

Additionally, we helped set up experimental conditions to test various versions of the campaign’s communication materials. This involved fine-tuning the messaging and visual elements to resonate with the target audience. By testing and refining, we made sure that the campaign’s communications would have the greatest impact, delivering the right message to the right audience.

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